* Following registration all candidates will be assessed on their academic capabilities and performance in English, Hindi, Maths and General Knowledge. Assessment will be based on minimal development levels required at the conclusion of the previous class, in keeping with the school’s syllabus.
* The candidates should appear for admission alongwith duly filled in Admisson Form and Transfer Certificate or S.L.C from the previous school attended or Birth Certificate from Municipal Committee/ Board/Corporation.
* Fee should be deposited in advance by the the 10th of every month failing cause a fine of Rs. 50/- will be imposed for every month in delay.
* If fee are not paid for two consecutive months, the name of the students will be struk off the roll of the school.
* Fee payment may be made by M.O. Bank Draft or cash. In case of Bank draft it should be payable to Ranjeet Kumar C/o Child View Public School, Punjab National Bank, Chanduati More, Gaya.
A/C No: 3850000100037375.
* School maintains a policy of 10% increment in monthly fee every year.